How Chiropractors Help With Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition that causes widespread musculoskeletal pain, fatigue, and memory and mood issues. Although there is no cure for fibromyalgia, your chiropractor near you at Enfield Chiropractic in Enfield, CT, can help manage symptoms and improve your quality of life. Our fibromyalgia treatment will reduce pressure on your joints, nerves, and muscles to give you the relief necessary to live more fully. We are here to share some ways our chiropractor can help with fibromyalgia.

Spinal Adjustments

Spinal adjustments are the most common method our chiropractor uses for fibromyalgia and chronic pain treatment plans. Our chiropractor uses gentle pressure and force on the spine and surrounding joints to correct misalignments and alleviate nerve restrictions. Doing this can decrease pain and inflammation while improving flexibility and your body’s natural healing ability.

Corrective Exercises

Our skilled chiropractor may recommend specific exercises tailored to chronic pain caused by fibromyalgia. They will work with you to determine which exercises best suit your needs and preferences. These exercises can help build muscle strength, improve joint mobility, and reduce inflammation. You can also continue these exercises at home to experience lasting benefits to your overall health and wellness.

Trigger Point Therapy

Our chiropractor will often include trigger point therapy in your fibromyalgia treatment plan. This therapy focuses on releasing tight knots in your muscles that contribute to pain and tenderness. Releasing these trigger points helps you experience reduced pain, muscle relaxation, and improved circulation.

Nutritional Changes

A better diet can improve your overall health and strengthen your body. Making specific dietary changes helps reduce inflammation and other symptoms of fibromyalgia. Our chiropractor can recommend foods to incorporate into your diet and foods to steer clear of. For example, avoid sugary snacks and processed foods to eliminate dietary-related inflammation. Instead, opt for anti-inflammatory foods like whole grains, fruits, and vegetables.

Get Effective Fibromyalgia Treatment From Enfield Chiropractic Today

If you or someone you love is struggling with fibromyalgia and needs holistic care from a “chiropractor near you,” consider contacting Enfield Chiropractic in Enfield, CT. Our chiropractor can devise a customized fibromyalgia treatment to manage this debilitating condition and improve your quality of life. Call us and schedule a consultation today at (860) 265-7901 to achieve lasting relief with our chronic pain treatment.

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